A blustery summer afternoon. An impending storm. The quickest vows. Hugs and toasts and an incredible sunset that Arizona is famous for. Stephen, Keri and their monsoon elopement at Tucson Mountain Park.
The couple and their guests made their way to Tucson Mountain Park to make their marriage official under a Tucson sky on a July afternoon last summer. They booked me about a month before and I was eager to see their intimate elopement come to fruition. Tucson elopements in the desert of Saguaro National Park West are always magical. When the group arrived, rain had just started to fall and wind was blowing hair and dresses and suit coats around. Not wanting to get out of their van too quickly, Keri and Stephen signed their marriage license with the justice of the peace they hired for the afternoon. I was honored when they asked if I’d sign as one of their witnesses! It was my first time doing that!
After a quick vow exchange, the couple enjoyed a champagne toast and photos with their friends as the sky showed off behind us. Thankfully the rain stopped for us to enjoy their wedding ceremony. We ended our time with breathtaking photos of the couple against the sunset; creating images I was so proud to deliver to them.
Keri and Stephen are dream clients because of their kindness, appreciation of photography and just JOY. I felt so seen and appreciated by them. They are people who make you feel like an immediate friend and that’s such a gift to be around. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Keri and Stephen, thank you for letting me create art with you and for inviting me to be apart of your trusted friends for the evening. I am truly happy our paths crossed.
If you enjoyed this Tucson elopement, I’d recommend checking out this one too.